My son has recently picked up a bug from somewhere. I’m not sure it if is possible the weather or just the start of the season but, either way he is sick sick sick. He is really congested and though I have tried the baby Vicks it doesn’t seem to work from him. Even with the full dose of Tylenol and Vicks on his chest and soles of his feet (old wives tale but hey I will try anything!) he was still up every hour crying. I really wanted to get him a good vaporizer but they get really hot and he just started sleeping in his crib converted into a day bed…

I could not have him sneaking up first thing in the morning and seeing the vaporizer . So with that in mind I went to Walmart to see if I could find ta plug in or something. My Walmart didn’t carry the plug but I did manage to find a better option.


The Vicks Waterless Vaporizer.

It has everything you need/want and is completely silent. I was really happy that I finally found something to ease my baby’s misery. I snuck into his room 10 minutes before his bed time and hid it in his room in his changing table closest to his bed. When I plugged it in  I was annoyed to find that it had a green glowing light on it (like a night light). My son has always slept in the dark and wont sleep unless it is completely dark so I did a quick fix and used a tiny piece of duck tape to cover it. That worked like a charm.

I shut the door to his room for about 8 minutes and when I opened it I was really surprised to find out that it really spread the vapor around the room with out being to strong. I put him to bed after doing the normal routine then went out to the living room to do my own thing. I can tell you I was completely thrilled that he didn’t wake up at all and slept like the little baby he is! He even slept in in the morning which I am assuming is because he was finally able to get restful sleep. Even I slept better after just being in there and reading him a story for 10 minutes. I felt like it cleared me right up!

The package came with 5 refill packs which is pretty awesome in itself. Just enough to get over our bout of sickness. The strips (refill) last about 8 hours so no need to change them in the middle of the night. It even specifies on the back that its safe for children. The main most important thing here is that this stayed cool to the touch even after being on all night! I just want you to know this is not just some product review either. I am just stating the facts and hoping you might find this useful if you or your family is ever in need. I really do recommend this (minus the annoying green light) and just thought I would share my tip/find with you.


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Hello! My name is Ashley.
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